Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sometimes you're on & sometimes you're off : (

Hi there,

Yes, I'm back, again. No excuse, well lots of them, but none that really matter. Sorry, I will try to be better in the future.

So today's title could also have been "sometimes you're up and sometimes you're down"... this has been a weird week. Lots on my mind. You see yesterday, my youngest turned 18. I saw it coming, even said it many times to others like old co-workers, old neighbors, etc., "...and the youngest will be 18 this year". Just like any milestones, we all seem to talk about them beforehand with sort of a "just the news" quality. "I'm starting my new job this Monday", "I'm getting married this fall", "I'm due in 4 months", "We're closing on the house this Thursday", "My first born starts nursery school in 6 weeks"... you get the drift. But some of these things, that are really life changing, we talk about with a strange detachment... we know it's something big that will get a reaction when we share it with someone we haven't seen in awhile.... but when do we really tell ourselves? That's a little different.

OK, maybe I'm not making any sense to you but play along for a minute.

You see, this year that 18 year old will graduate from high school... another thing we all say like "the baby is a senior and going to college in the fall", and for the first time I've really considered ALL that it means!!!! : (

No more "meet the teachers" nights, parent/teacher conferences, class pictures, school plays, recorder practice, field trips, snow days, science fairs, cupcakes for birthdays, permission slips, spelling words, dances, team sports, proms etc. etc. etc. No more life as we now know it. Now that it's finally sinking in, I have sort of a sinking feeling. I've been doing this school mommy thing since the oldest started nursery school in 1989.
It'll be OK.

Maybe it will be good, NO maybe it will be great!!!!! (that's call spin)
No more calls home "missed my bus and need a ride", "forgot my ....homework, lunch, project, gym shorts, book, trip money,etc".
No more calls home from the teacher, the bus company, the nurse, the principal ......

Well it will be, what it will be... OK, good, great...... mostly just different. I guess this will just be part of the journey I'm on this year.

Catch you soon,


PS - Happy Birthday Bill xoxox I love You

Monday, February 22, 2010

Okay, so clearly I'm on a journey.

At the risk of sounding like some kind of cult follower, I've been eating differently since I started watching the Dr. Oz Show. Seriously, I've never been a good “dieter” especially when it came to weighing food, planning ahead of time, checking points, etc. Somehow, hearing the messages about cutting out sugars, snacking smart, eating nuts for energy (instead of reaching for a candy bar when you get that sluggish feeling), well the lessons seems to have penetrated my brain. Suddenly I started to shop a little differently. Suddenly I started to snack a little differently. Suddenly I started reading labels, which does make grocery shopping a much longer endeavor. At some point all that reading, changing my grocery lists, paying closer attention to what I put in my mouth, has sort of come together and become the” lifestyle” I am choosing. So far I am down 9 pounds, but that’s not the point.

You see, for me, it's really not about the numbers, my weight or clothing size, but it's about how I feel. It’s not even about how I feel about myself, self esteem, confidence….but more how I physically feel. I was always active, not just a tomboy but even a cheerleader! I never had any really serious issues with weight until about nine years ago. Oh I certainly had that 20-30 pounds post partum that I should’ve dropped (20+ years ago), but nothing like the 80-90 that I need to drop now.

I hate it when I can’t do something because of my weight, it really bothers me. When did I become this fat person? Well I won't bore you with too many details but in 2001 I met with a few medical challenges resulting in the need for medication(s) I’ll take for the rest of my life. Sadly the meds put weight on and on and on and on.

Over the years, I guess I got used to it. But now that I'm feeling a lot more energy and strength (really it’s thanks to the nuts, berries and twigs I’ve been eating) I think it’s time to consider the other half of the "lifestyle" equation. Brace yourself. It’s a very scary word, you may even have heard it before, its’ called exercise! It just might take an exorcism to actually get me to exercise ha ha. Now, now, I'm just kidding. Now I’ve planned to exercise before… bought the clothes, the pretty water bottle, something to tie my hair up with for when I get all sweaty….and then I’m gonna start tomorrow, or Monday, or next week and somehow it just seems to slip away from me. Maybe I need to write it in my appointment book (like everything else these days) so I won’t forget.

Well every journey begins with a single step and I hope mine will be tomorrow.


Sunday, February 21, 2010

FORUM not form…

If you know me really well, then you know that typing is one of my personal strengths and often a source of great pride..... NOT.
To this day I am teased by my old high school girlfriends about it. Sometimes people ask, "Didn't you take typing in high school?" Yes, I'm ashamed to admit, but I took typing in high school and failed. I don't know what the problem is! For some reason, I just don't trust my fingers.
I know you're supposed to be able to sit there and read the assigned text all the while your fingers flying at the keys, but, I would read a bit, type it, read a bit, type it and so on. My style of typing wasn’t what Mrs. McDermott had in mind, so ultimately she covered my keys. She put a sheet of paper tucked sideways, above the top row of keys covering all of the keys in waterfall fashion. Well you can't scare me with one piece of paper, after all, I was a teenager. Please, we all know that teenagers are far smarter than adults. All I had to do was pretend to sweep by bangs out of my eyes, flipping up the paper as I tossed back my hair and then swish, flip, peak, type... swish, flip, peak, type.... I was a genius. I could type like this forever. Really, to be intimidated by a piece of paper, come on.
Who knew Mrs. McDermott was so sly? She was sharper than I had given her credit for. You see, a day or two later, I entered the classroom and sat down at the same typewriter and, what the hell?...every key had a little piece of paper taped on it covering the letter or symbol underneath. Well I wasn’t scared by 1 sheet of paper, but I was really doomed looking at the 50 or so tiny pieces she had cut it into.
What now? Am I supposed to try to memorize the keys? ... DUH, I think that was her point from the beginning. Unfortunately, it was too late for me. We were past the days of drilling asdfgf ;lkjhj , so there was no way I could type with these blank keys.
So here I am, one hundred years later, still looking at the keys and doing sort of a fast version of hunt and peck. OK so maybe not that fast... I've seen my family cringing when they catch me typing. Fortunately, I always typed just enough to get by and thankfully,I've never had to rely on my typing skills to feed my family.
So what is the point of this all? Yesterday I asked you to consider topics of importance to you that I might blog about, thereby providing a forum (sort of), but it came out as FORM. Noe make no mistake, I am a lousy typist, but I am an excellent speller. So if you read something that's just not right, it could be a typo vs. me being crazy. Well, it could be me being crazy too.
Typing this blog is a bit of a labor of love for me. And I am loving it!


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Still Alive...

Well I'm back!!! I have to say a big THANKS for all the positive responses I received from my first blog. Sorry for the hiatus. I post just once and then disappear for a week and a half (?)... I am so, so sorry. I promise not to let that happen again. Rather than offer a guarantee that I will post every single day, which may not really be realistic, I'll simply promise to post every other day. This way, if I get to post 2days in a row you’ll be pleasantly surprised (she stated humbly).

See, these posts can be educational. What I just did is called “underpromise and overdeliver” in the sales world. Now that’s not to say that I'm selling you my blog... however I suppose I really am. Aren’t we really selling ourselves all the time? That's why we pick the clothes we do, how we do our hair, the car we drive, the makeup we wear; those are all just advertisements for us. So, my blog can serve as a little billboard for me and I hope you're interested in buying into it (me). Sadly, my blog can sell me much better in the virtual world than my personal advertisements might, ie: clothes, car, hair, make up. But, I am a self proclaimed tomboy and what you see is what you get.

Anyway, I promised to get back to everyone about filming Dr. Oz so here's the juicy scoop. This Wednesday, February 24, 2010, on your local Fox station you can tune in to see me, Brian (hubby), Chris, Brian (son), Billy, and Joe on the Dr. Oz Show. Only five of us went to the taping in New York, but you will see Joe in some of the pre-taped footage eating pancakes. We were chosen to try a diet containing foods known to have anticancer properties, and cook our meals from the items on a set list of groceries. We filmed ourselves at home cooking and eating from the suggested recipes they gave us. Then Dr. Oz asked us questions about the ease of purchasing the items, price, taste, etc.

It was a fabulous experience. We got to meet Dr. Oz and chat with him for a little bit (and take pictures). He is a sweetheart and his whole staff is so warm and friendly. To be camera ready, we even went through hair and makeup!!! I’m not sure if I felt like Cinderella or the Cowardly Lion getting primped to meet the great and powerful Oz. Seriously, though, if you get the chance, go online and request tickets to a taping of the show. It’s really worth the time.

In Connecticut, Dr. Oz comes on twice a day on the Fox network, at 10 AM and at 5 PM. Be careful, the 5 PM broadcast will be the episode we’re in and then it is repeated again at 10 AM the next morning... how lucky you could get to watch it twice. If you can't tune in there's always a chance you can go to and find a reference or link to the anticancer diet that may contain a bit of footage with the Kenny family. Today I will be uploading a picture we took while at the show to my Facebook account, and for those of you not yet on Facebook I will send it in an e-mail.

Okay, winding down.

I would sincerely love to hear your comments, but if you prefernot to post them on the blog, you can feel free to e-mail me at I still have my other private e-mail, but I will use this one for blog related business.
I'd also like to know what you’re thinking about and want to hear discussed in a form. The few topics that run through my mind a lot, and I can assure you they'll be included in posts coming up soon, are the unfortunate effects the Internet and technology have had on young people these days. Just because we can, does that mean we should?

Please click on the icon to become a follower and pass on the hyperlink to others to check out my blog, the more the merrier.

Tata for now,


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Where to begin....

Sheila Kenny is blogging! Boy is this a shock! Probably as much (or more) for me as for anyone else.

About 4 or 5 years ago an old friend urged me to start a blog and I scoffed. Type? on a regular basis? without being required to? Why in the world would I want to do that? But... I'm a little older, maybe a little wiser, maybe not, and I find myself with things to say that I would like to share. Anyway, that's what my friend Jim was trying to tell me a few years ago. He said that I should be sharing my thoughts, and that he liked things I had to say. So thank you Jim!!!! Sheila Kenny is alive and blogging.

Now if the "alive" thing is troubling you, don't worry. I haven't had any near death experience or anything, and I'm not aware of any rumors that there's a reason to be worried... unless there's something people aren't telling me,... what have you heard? Just kidding. I'm just feeling a bit more alive these days. Is that possible? Feeling more alive? I know it's only been 6 weeks, but 2010 seems to be a truly new year. It feels different. There's a sort of fresh vibe (sorry, not a word I usually use) and already there's a hint of some changes on the horizon. Well, stay tuned, I guess we'll find out together.

Speaking of new and alive... it's after 4 am and I can't sleep. I'm a bit like a kid waiting for Santa. Later today my family (me, hubby and the boys - only 3 out of 4 : ( ) are being picked up to go tape the Dr. Oz show. In fact, right now I'm in a nice hotel in Manhattan because it was too risky to drive in later. Today the northeast is getting snowed in.... and the BLIZZARD, as they are referring to it on the news, is expected to dump 14 - 18 inches of magical, fluffy snow. The city will be beautiful.

OK, now back to Dr. Oz. I've become a faithful fan and watch or record his show daily. He is clearly brilliant, but also clearly sincere. You just know that it is genuine when you watch as he counsels his guests. How refreshing! Anyway, I received a video camera from the show last week so I could record footage of me and my family as we....... wait a minute. I'm not going to spoil it for you. I suppose you'll have to stay tuned to hear and see how it goes. The episode will air in a few weeks, I'll be sure and post the details when I get them.

Well, I think that's enough excitement (and typing) for now. I must get my beauty sleep to be ready for the camera. How long does someone need to sleep before they lose 50 lbs? Never mind, I can't afford this hotel long enough to find out.

I hope you'll join me on this new journey, 2010... big changes... I've been praying for it... something good is coming.... I can feel it.... WOW.

Signing off from my very 1st blog, goodnight, God Bless xoxoxoxo


ps - I feel like I should print a copy of this page and hang it on my fridge at home.